Joining a broad coalition of bipartisan support – including Mayor Sylvester Turner and County Judge Ed Emmett, HAR’s Board of Directors voted to support voting yes to City of Houston’s Proposition A on the November 6, 2018 ballot. Houston’s Proposition A comes on the heels of the recent passage of Harris County’s Flood Control District bond package. HAR’s Board of Directors also supported this initiative and the bond passed easily on August 25, 2018, the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey. HAR got it right for Harris County, now let’s get it right for Houston.

Proposition A Facts:

  • Proposition A continues Rebuild Houston, a pay-as-you-go, dedicated fund that has rebuilt or repaired more than 1,000 miles of city streets and nearly 500 miles of storm drains.
  • Proposition A is critical to Houston’s recovery efforts and long-term resilience.
  • Houston’s drainage system works in tandem with Harris County’s flood management system.
  • Proposition A is does not impose new fees or increase city debt, it continues an already successful program first approved by voters in 2010.

Some storm drains in Houston are more than 80 years old and were designed long before Houston had experienced the major floods we see today. Hurricane Harvey showed us nothing can prevent flooding. However, ensuring there is funding dedicated to improve the drainage system and streets will help Houston to protect citizens from future flooding.

Additionally, Houston’s efforts to improve the drainage system, work in connection with Harris County’s efforts to control the flood management system. Now more than ever it is important to take the politics out of policy. Proposition A is an effective policy which will improve the drainage system and streets in Houston. That’s why Democrats, Republicans, business, labor and neighborhood leaders are supporting Proposition A.

If you have any questions about Proposition A or where to go and vote, e-mail or call 713-629-1900 ext. 269. You can vote early from October 22 through November 2 and on Election Day, November 6, 2018.