We have added a feature in the new Members Only site that allows you to create an e-mail signature that you can use within your mail client. There are three templates to choose from or you can customize your signature using our editing tool. Your signature will include your contact information, social media links, links to your website(s) and your e-mail address.

Once you have created your signature with this tool, you can then copy and paste into your mail client (e.g. Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, AOL Mail and other). There are various templates to choose from to create your signature. Please note that the signature that you create here will only appear in your mail client. It will not show up on your lead notifications, client gateway, or anywhere else on HAR.com.

To create your e-mail signature, you will need to login to the Members Only site. Once you have logged in, from the top menu, click on ‘My Account.’ From the ‘Personalize Information’ section on the left hand menu, click on ‘Create Email Signature.’

To learn more about this tool, please visit: http://www.har.com/dispTools.cfm?toolid=88