HAR warns all members that scammers are at it again. We’ve been informed that several REALTORS® have had listings of homes for sale hacked and posted as available for lease on a site called Backpage. As a result, calls are coming in from would-be renters who have seen the bogus listings. A suspicious vehicle was been seen near at least one of the properties and HPD was notified. If you believe a listing has been hacked, contact the website manager immediately and ask to have it removed.

Make safety your top priority when staffing an open house! HAR has been alerted that a guest at a recent open house in Briargrove was caught going through the medicine cabinet in search of prescription drugs. He is described as a white male, about 6’1” in his mid- to late-30s, with a crew cut and thick beard, driving a black SUV with New York license plates. A girl, about 7 or 8 years old, was with him. Always exercise caution during open houses. Use the buddy system. Report suspicious activity to the police.